Monday 1 November 2010

Uncut Double Page Spread

First of all the title is not only connected to the picture inset but sums up the article clearly. “The Making of… Sit Down by James”, with the Sit Down in bold blue font making this a key area of the article, again standing out against the white background which flows throughout.
     Then with the stand first under the title, giving the reporters words with pull quotes dragged in, before the reader is allowed to read the article they know instantly that it is based on the make and break of ‘James’.
     The lead image; taking up a whole page with no interference with writing or photographer’s image.
All focused around the front foremost person, suggesting he is the lead singer or in charge, someone most people will recall. Making a link to audience. Also the image has an antique colouring to show this could be a flashback to their younger days, an old image brought up from the past.
     Along the left hand side we have ‘passport’ pictures of the whole band, an introduction to new comers to the band or to show the change of appearance, giving a connection between the reader and the article. Being able to imagine the story as it is told.
     The tone and register of the article is to receive immediate responses, with the first paragraph instantly referring to their almost “bankruptcy” situation, brought on from real experience. The article also looks on to the opinions of the song “sit down” how it came about and developed to be an anthem.  
     The pull quote is aligned in the middle of the page to stand out the lead singer’s opinion, his own views. The drop cap to begin with, centring on the “I”, immediately knowing we are getting the story as it comes from the first person perspective. Also, there are two columns, again flush left to separate each column, a familiar set out for many magazines.

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