Friday 5 November 2010

NME Contents Page

    First of all the title resembles that of The Guardian’s masthead, a bold, plain font in black to get straight to the point, no messing around. Following this idea the whole feel and look of this contents page is of a newspaper look. A complete opposite idea to the front cover, this could be seen as a retro style cover page, making NME stand out and be bold in a unique way.
        Another point which goes towards NME being different is the fact it has no main image, the images are evenly spread about the page to show what could be seen as the important parts rather than a singular image to represent the magazine. Therefore the numbers following the pictures are clearly presented and indented into the actual picture.
       Also to accompany each photograph is a pull quote, brought from the articles relating to the picture itself. This is to give the reader an insight into the article choosing to read what stands out and first glance.
     The theme of the contents page is black and white; clearly. This makes the images the main focus, with the colour to stand out against the plain white background.

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