Friday 5 November 2010

NME Double-Page Spread

    First of all the title “Sleazy Lovers” opens to its audience of males in their mid-twenties, due to its explicit terms of sleazy. This title is in a bold, black lettering to show this is the articles theme. With the stand first underneath to show what is following in the article, with “perverted minds” and “freak shows” this could be seen as a male dominated article.
     Through the double page spread there are two pull quotes indented into the article, they show the opinions of Nick Cave; the lead in this band. With his rebellious attitude towards life, “cunt” and “cruise the streets” it follows the generic readership of young men.     
      The lead image portrays a laid-back lifestyle with their calm and relaxed posture. On the white couch to blend into the general background of the magazine, also making the men in general stand out.
     The tone of the article is obviously aimed at the young minds of men with the use of words such as “randy” and “crotch-grabbing horn dog”, a vocabulary related to men. This again shows the rebellious attitudes of the band.
      The drop cap with the ‘F’ shows the beginning of the article; it is also in the same font as the title, showing connection. There are 4 columns on each page with alignment towards the left; this is a popular layout as it allows space between each column to show the separation.

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