Monday 1 November 2010

Q Double Page Spread

First of all, the big, bold lettering; in the same font as the front cover and contents page showing a theme throughout. With “Lad” in orange it stands out against the white background and the black lettering, suggesting this is an important word that describes 'The Streets' well. Under the headline we have the copy, words used from the journalist’s opinion to describe the article. He describes how Mike Skinner from the streets deserves to be greatest songwriter of all time, in 3 phrases: “poet, chav, spokesman for a generation” summing up his personality and appearance to others. Communicating to the teen audience through the use of a young, popular artist, the words used sums up why teens would appeal to him.
    The use of the stand first introduces the article; the first line is in bolder, upper case lettering to show the beginning of the article, “TURNS OUT DAVID Beckham” already showing the journalist has made a connection between Mike Skinner and David Beckham, however bizarre that may be.
     The lead image takes up the whole second page as it is there to entice the audience, to show clearly what the article is about before they venture into reading it. The picture is normally heavily stylised however, this image is kept simple, a close up shot of his face to focus on his expression and look in his eyes. This expression goes with the pull quote above, “I’m getting scary levels of fame...bodyguards and stuff”  the frightened look in his eyes is aimed to back up the pull quote. Appealing to the audience, which says I am a down to earth guy with realistic experiences. I’m not all about money. A genuine expression for a genuine guy.
     Also, for the two-page spread the use of a 3 column, with flush left to keep distance between each column. As well as this there is a photo description which goes along with the main image and the photographers name is mentioned to get recognition.

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