Monday 1 November 2010

Q Contents Page

First of all the Masthead also plays a part in the contents page, as it does in every issue. Keeping the front cover and contents page connected.
The image of “The Streets” connects the front cover as he was the main image, this shows he is still an important factor of the magazine.
   Also, the bold lettering is resembled in the contents page, with a clear headline to outline the page. The red highlight around the specific sections “Features” and “Up Front” allows the white writing to stand out. Ultimately to indicate to the reader the magazine is split into two sections, the main articles in “Features” and the other information/articles in “Up Front”.
    As well as the artist(s) name in each article headline is in blue to stand out against the white, highlighting what each article is about and who is included in the magazine.
     The page numbering is clearly represented through either red or bold white writing; this makes it easier to navigate the magazine. All being on one page makes it clearer for the reader to understand and scan.
      Along the cover line of the contents page there is a pull quote, which brings out one of the articles involved in the magazine, also the word “Shit” brings in a more teen/young adult audience, with a nonchalant attitude, it is suggested the magazine could be rebellious. However, the main image aims at an older generation with Elton John being the subject of discussion; he is also in the features section and is therefore an important element of the magazine.

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