Friday 19 November 2010

Analysis of Survey

  1.      Females appear to be my main reader, with 62.5% my aim is to please these readers and suit their needs. This is unusual as the majority of music magazines reader audience is males, this may make it harder for me to achieve.
  2. My age range looking at 16-22 year olds, this however does not come as a surprise, an adolescent/ teen approach on my magazine will make it more hip and stylish.
  3. From this question I can see Pop and R&B is the majority of music listened to amongst my audience, this is not surprising, R&B is a popular range of music among young peers. My magazine needs to appeal to this music range to keep the young adult audience interested.
  4. Music is a popular form of media and is accessed everyday by the majority of my audience. This proves that music is a key area to focus on; a music magazine is a good way to keep audience up to date with the latest. 
  5.   My audience access music most commonly through the internet, this is seen as a convenient and simple way for young people to access music whilst interacting with social networking sites. This form is followed by radio and then iPod, c-d’s is last as it as an outdated product.
  6. The majority of my audience do not spend money on magazines, nor do they read music magazines, this can be due to the fact that most my readers are interested in R&B music, a popular music genre but however is not commercially represented through magazines as much as Rock or Metal music.
  7. Above.
  8. It appears that Artists interviews is what interests my audience the most, this could be because it allows you to get up, close and personal with an artist(s) that you wouldn’t otherwise get to hear about. Connecting the audience with the magazine.
  9.  Television is most commonly used through media products with my audience; this is a popular choice with 87.5% of my audience using it most. This could be because it covers most basis, music, actual TV programming, news, radio etc. It makes sense that this product is used the most.
  10. The final question I used focused on what other interests my reader could have, surprisingly cooking is most popular, and this coincides with my majority female audience. Followed by sports with relates to the smaller male section of my audience.

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