Monday 1 November 2010

Q Front Cover

     Q’s front cover is jam packed with information about the magazine itself. The Skyline simplifies the magazine up in one line “The Essential Music Guide”, suggesting the magazine is a mainstream magazine, aiming to please everyone. In contrast the Cover line tells you what is going to appear in this specific issue.
     The Masthead is the conventional part of the front cover; this masthead is provided on every issue to keep the magazines similarity for readers to recognise.
     The main image is clear yet simple, the wide eyed expression of Mike Skinner from ‘The Streets’ holds the readers attention well. The black clothing helps the lettering to stand out against him. Holding his hands behind him shows a carefree look, which could in turn represent the carefree approach the magazine has as a whole. Also, the use of the backing images suggests the importance Mike Skinner has in the magazine as he is the main focus.
       The Lead Article is clearly presented in bold, upper case lettering; this shows the loudness of the article and the magazine. The use of the orange highlights the importance of the word and stands out against the white, as well the smaller lettering giving detail behind the leading article. Appealing to a wide audience.

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