Tuesday 25 January 2011

Full interview for Double Page Spread

The new rise of Morgan T has left us thinking is he still the down to earth guy from Cornwall or has he left his roots behind and headed for Hollywood. This exclusive interview unveils all in his new, transformed life.

How often do you practice? Roughly 5 hours a week.
What got you into the saxophone? I was greatly inspired by David Sanborn, the way he used the saxophone to manipulate the audience emotion had me captured.
Is he still an inspiration to you now? In some ways yes, but I guess I am my own inspiration now; I follow the trends and update my style accordingly.
So, you sing, you play sax is there anything you can’t do? Ha-ha well I would like to try the tambourine, it’s a new one to me.
How has your music evolved from your earlier saxophone work? Well I’ve done more collaboration with other musicians to vary the tone to my music; I’ve also tried adding a bit of drum beat to the beginning to add some shape to the rhythm.
Your fame kinda happened over night, is there anything you would re-do? Not particularly, I mean I’ve remained the same person I was before which was my main goal, I didn’t want to end up another airhead wannabe.
Any highlights of your journey so far? Meeting R Kelly at the NMA’s recently was pretty tight, I was stuttering all over the place, it was a tad embarrassing.
We hear you have been working on an album, will we be seeing this anytime soon? Yeah definitely, I am really hyped for this album, I’ve got a bunch of stars working along side me, and it’s going to be epic!
“Bunch of stars”, any we might know?
Ahh well, that’s a secret.
In ten years time where do you see yourself? That’s a hard one, I want to be well known and I want my music to be enjoyed by everyone, you know the sort of songs people sing in the shower. All I know is that I want to stay in the music industry, it’s where I belong.
Now you’re at the top, do you have any fears for your future? Sure, who doesn’t? My fears are probably more based around my family and friends more than my career.
What’s it like being the star of your family? Nothings changed, my parents have always supported me in my work, they’re just better off. They’re happy if I’m happy.

He’s just the same downtown boy he grew up to be, follow on to find out more about Morgan T’s exciting new life. Get the insights on his love life, education and what he does for fun.

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