Tuesday 2 November 2010

NME Front Cover

Again the Masthead is the conventional piece of the magazine, following the editions throughout. In the Bold red, this also connects with Noel Gallagher featured in the main image wearing red.
   There is a slight skyline however it aligns with the masthead so therefore could be seen as just information rather than the specifics of being the skyline. In comparison, there is no cover line, although you could possibly state that the cover line is there just in a different format. “Also starring… & more…” showing the same information the cover line should give. It could be argued that this is therefore the cover line. But due to NME’s rebellious, middle twenties male appeal it is altered to show it is different.
     The lead image is portraying the lead article between Noel and Liam Gallagher, the choice of colours both brothers are wearing is to show the opposition and dispute between them. Also the gap in the middle highlights the hostility from the “bust-up”, the facial expressions also express the tension and atmosphere between them.
     The lead article contrasts the black against the white, with “Oasis” in bold black against the white background. The ‘reversed-out’ colours with “Rock’s Messiest Bust-Up”, the black highlights against the white font. This also adds to the tension of atmosphere between the brothers.
     However, there is no left third; this is to simply highlight the importance of the lead image, centring the magazine on this article.

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