Monday 11 October 2010

Evaluation of College Magazine project


The college magazine project was a useful way to get acquainted with Photoshop. As I have not used Photoshop before I felt my work was more trail and error than actual expertise, this was probably my biggest disadvantage. However, I felt my end product was successful and had plenty of strong areas. For one, the colour scheming of my Front cover was bold and enabled the mast head to stand out, as well as this the colouring of the Front cover linked in with the Contents page; using the same effect of blurring the colour (for the background).  
       Also the outlining of the photos on the Contents Page connected to the outlining of the text on the Front Cover. I connected this as I wanted to ensure my magazine flowed fluently from one page to the next. Inferring this is how the rest of the magazine would go.
       However, I fell in some areas, for one the Main Image was a little to dark, not being clear and precise made it hard to cut the image out from the background. Also I could’ve experimented with fonts for the Contents page to make it more funky and bold.
       Overall I was happy with the end product, it exceeded my expectations marginally and the positives outweighed the negatives by far.

Research; Fonts and College Magazines

Research into various college magazines went well it enabled me to understand there is not strict guidelines to a college magazine it is whatever you want it to be. Colour scheming came through as important to keep the items linked together and help the magazine flow fluently. I took this on board in my notes when ready to start my own college magazine front cover.